About Rich Dawe:
"The Woo-Woo Dude"
My Mediumship Path has been one of great Spiritual Awakening. For periods of time this has meant much inner work and reflection and at others much time spent answering the call of service to others. As my Mediumistic and Psychic / Intuitive Abilities have come to surface and strengthen it has been a profound gift both to myself and to many others.
Since my heart attack and near death experiences in 2018, my connections and predictions have grown even stronger. In the time that I was dead, over 2 hours, many spiritual awakenings and information was given to me. Driving my work to a much deeper level.
Along my path Spiritual Guides have worked alongside of me to assist with the grounding in ancient Shamanic traditions. My connection to Source and Higher Self never waivers. You may choose to have a one time session or journey with me or to come from time to time as you are so called.
Bingo! You were “right on the money” when I came to see you in Londonderry to get a Psychic Reading about my finances. What a mess I have made of things, but thank god there is a change coming in the New Year. I plan to do EXACTLY what you suggested. I can sleep at night now knowing that I have options. My home means everything to me. Jim Blandine
About 3 years ago I began Journeying with Rich and the doors just opened up for me. I am grateful for every session I have had with him that has shed so much light on my path. Journeying with Rich individually and in a group never ceases to amaze me. Look so forward to every session. Anxious to see you again and love your energy. Lu Ann Jobin
I was given the greatest gift from God - allowed to find and marry my sole mate- however I lost him suddenly. Last night I received my 2nd unimaginable gift through Rich who channeled my husband and delivered gravely needed information and messages. I want to wholeheartedly thank Rich for his love and strength and willingness to allow himself to be a vessel and messenger of critically needed information for peace and enlightenment. And for his precious gift of Mediumship THANK YOU RICH! Caroline Sinagra
Rich: I just loved the Mediumship Gallery last night-. What a great event Thank you for sharing with me that my father was with me in the room..... Your information was so accurate-that was awesome. And for telling me to go home and have my friend shoot the photos of his Orb around me at home. I saw orbs last night when I asked my Dad to show himself. My friend took a lot of pictures and the Orb showed in every picture taken. Thank You Rich! Linda Royce
I cannot thank you enough Rich for the Psychic Session on the phone last week. I was a wreck over this relationship that I just cannot seem to pull myself out of. The insight you gave me not only about him but about me and us, was just what I needed. Thank you! Thank You! Will be sure to call after the holiday for you to come to my house for a home party! Gloria Canafe